Dick Engl
2522 Tom Morris Drive

I'm an Electrical Engineer and started my career with General Electric in their Medical Division. There I was put into an advanced training program called the Technical Marketing Program which cycled me through various aspects of the Division. After 15 years with GE I left and started my own medical imaging company, distributing various X-Ray, MRI, CT, ultrasound and other imaging equipment. Owning and running a small and successful company for 25 years I had complete financial and operational responsibility. After that I invested in and joined an Electronic Medical Record company as the head of sales and marketing. We sold the company 6 years ago to a national VC funded company, after which I retired.
At our previous neighborhood in Punta Gorda, I was the president of our HOA for 4 years before we relocated to Laurel Oak, where we have been full time residents for over three years. Both Lorraine and I are also active members of LOCC. I believe that board members should take an active role in overseeing the safety, financial viability and maintenance of our neighborhood while encouraging communications and a respectful discourse with all members of the community.